OFCO Blog Post


First Marbled Murrelet Nest Discovered August 7, 1974!

August 7 is the 44th anniversary of the discovery of the first Marbled Murrelet nest in California, in 1974. Celebrate! Find information on the Marbled Murrelet and share it. We are celebrating today with Maria Ruth, author of Rare Bird, as she recreates the nest discovery day in this light-hearted video. We are encouraged to learn all we can to prepare for next month, when the revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement (RDEIS) on the preferred alternative is released by the Department of Natural Resources. This is the next important step in Washington developing a long-term conservation strategy for the Marbled Murrelet. And the going is going to be rough! If you are near the coast in Washington state, look for Marbled Murrelets on the water. Take a picture if you can! Send to info@olympicforest.org and tell us where you took the picture! Follow the Marbled Murrelet Survival Project on Faceook.

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