OFCO Blog Post


Marbled Murrelet Conservation Topic of Interview

Maria Ruth, author of the book Rare Bird and member of Black Hills Audubon, was interviewed on the Marbled Murrelet Long-Term Conservation Strategy (LTCS) decision facing our state on the TVW show “The Impact,” which will be following the story as it evolves. We have a way to go to tell the story of the Marbled Murrelet. The narrative that protecting endangered species is responsible for the decline in forestry and timber-dependent counties is still dominant, even though the economics of timber, the excessive clearcut harvests of the seventies and eighties reducing available supply, and profits on foreign exports eclipsing paying American wages in local mills are equally important factors.

Latest news on the timelines: The second Draft EIS on the “preferred alternatives” for the LTCS will be out in late summer.

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