OFCO Blog Post


Natural Area Park in Jefferson County – Public Hearing

by Peter Bahls
Executive Director, Northwest Watershed Institute
and OFCO member

If you recall, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) was planning to clearcut the beautiful, older forest and trailed area between Gibbs and Beausite Lakes a few years ago. Citizens and our county commissioners raised objections and DNR put the timber sale on hold. The state legislature has now approved funding to allow the entire 305-acre lakes parcel to be transferred to Jefferson County to be protected as a natural area park—a relatively small parcel by DNR standards and one that they might trade away otherwise to private developers someday.

DNR will be holding a public hearing at 6 PM, Thursday, Feb. 27, at the Jefferson County Library in Port Hadlock and they need to hear your support! The “Inter-Trust Exchange” they will be talking about will ensure that, even though the Beausite lakes parcel will be protected from DNR timber harvest, Jefferson County will not lose tax revenue they receive when DNR cuts “Forest Board” designated lands. It is the first step in what is called a “Trust Land Transfer” that DNR proposes here. You can learn more about the details in this PDF and at the meeting, but the important thing is to voice your support for the transfer of the Gibbs-Beausite Lakes parcel to Jefferson County for long-term protection as a natural area park!

Please do two things at the meeting:

1) Get up and testify in support of the transfer of the land from DNR to Jefferson County. (It doesn’t have to be a fancy speech, just a brief, heartfelt show of support), and

2) Write a brief note of support and drop it in the box at the meeting so that it is tallied up and reported back to DNR headquarters.

Please share this message with everyone who cares about the Gibbs and Beausite Lakes area!  And please plan on attending the meeting.

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