OFCO Blog Post


Pit-to-Pier Open House

OFCO’s mission statement includes protection of our aquatic environment. The Pit-to-Pier project has been a major concern to us, and we have opposed it from the very beginning.

The following text used in an ad by the Hood Canal Coalition plainly lays out the current situation. Please make every effort to attend the Public Open House as a show of support against the project that would have such a dangerous impact to our environment and disruption of our lives.

Who’s Behind It?
Thorndyke Resources has taken over the old project from Fred Hill Materials and plans to mine gravel in the Shine area on a massive scale. They are asking for public comment on the Draft Environmental Impact study this month and we feel the DEIS has serious deficiencies.

The Project 
A new 4-mile gravel conveyor leading to a 1,000-foot pier in Hood Canal with ocean-going ships and barges moving through our Hood Canal Bridge day & night, causing delays, disruption to traffic and likely damage to the bridge!

What You Can Do 
Come to the Public Open House to voice your concerns about this project’s impact on the local environment, economy and traffic. (Apparently they didn’t hear us the first time!)

Where: Port Ludlow Bay Club, 120 Spinnaker Lane, Port Ludlow, Wash.

Date: Monday, August 4, 2014
Time: 5:30–8:30 PM

Comment on the Project by Email: t-roc@co.jefferson.wa.us and include your street address, by 5 PM August 11.

Ad paid for by Hood Canal Coalition, a group of over 50 businesses, tribes, and 6,000 citizens dedicated to the protection of Hood Canal.

You are donating to : Olympic Forest Coalition

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